Quick Guide to Scripting: Communicating Feelings and Needs Through Echolalia

The short answer to this question is: scripting is a form of vocal stimming. Scripting is an informal name for echolalia. It looks like a person repeating words or phrases that they have heard, in person, on television, in movies, in passing, etc., used for sensory input. Why Do Autistic People Script? As an Autistic … Continue reading Quick Guide to Scripting: Communicating Feelings and Needs Through Echolalia

Quick Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder for Autistic People

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a disorder that affects how the body processes its sensory input. While this disorder is not exclusive to Autism, many Autistic people also have SPD. People with SPD usually fall into a category of hypersensitive or hyposensitive to sensations. Hypersensitive means a particular sense is too much. The person is receiving … Continue reading Quick Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder for Autistic People

Stimming – Repetitive Actions Autistic People Do To Cope

There are many behaviors that Autistic people may perform that seem “weird” or “unusual” to neurotypicals. Some of these behaviors are repetitive movement or speech which is called stimming. What is Stimming? Stimming is slang for self-stimulation. Autistic people self-stimulate in order to regulate themselves. Many Autistic people have a hard time dealing with stress … Continue reading Stimming – Repetitive Actions Autistic People Do To Cope